Andrew Arndt is the Lead Pastor of New Life East (one of seven congregations of New Life Church in Colorado Springs), where he also hosts the Essential Church podcast, a weekly conversation designed to strengthen the thinking of church and ministry leaders. Prior to joining New Life’s team, he served as Lead Pastor of Bloom Church: a neo-monastic, charismatic, liturgical, justice-driven network of house churches in Denver. He received his MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, is working on his Doctor of Ministry at Western Theological Seminary, and has written for Missio Alliance, Patheos, The Other Journal, and Mere Orthodoxy. He lives in the Springs with his wife Mandi and their four kids.
Born and raised in the charismatic movement, Andrew’s ministry is marked by an integration between the unique gifts of his charismatic heritage and the great gifts of historical Christian belief and practice. His speaking and writing combine deep pastoral concern with a desire to locate his hearers inside the wide sweep of the Christian story – all seasoned with personal stories and good humor to challenge the mind and expand the heart. He has spoken at colleges and seminaries, large conferences and intimate retreats, and would love to join you at your next event.