How can we
be so blind?
A thousand glories
go streaming by our faces
and the best among us
can only flail wildly
desperately trying
to catch the tail end
of a single everlasting beauty
that danced at the edge of vision
for a moment
and then was gone-
the rest wasted.
How can you
be so generous?
Lavishing glory on
blind eyes and hearts
too weary and indifferent
to see and savor
heaven’s bright gladness,
eternity transfigured in created time.
Grace, I am told,
is the name you give
to the staggering excess
to the wheeling, prodigal beauty
happily wasted on dullards like us.

One Comment

  • Amy Spencer says:

    Andrew, I’m in the midst of reading “All Flame” and LOVE it! My decades of editing evangelical books (primarily NavPress and InterVarsity Press) gives me the right to say I know a good book when I see one. 😉 I was surprised how orthodox it is. After a long walk through Protestantism, my husband and I are uppercase Orthodox, attending Holy Theophany in the Springs. Do visit! My husband is a fundraiser for Navs, and I’m a writer/editor for I really resonated with your move to the Springs. A year and a half ago, my husband and I returned here after 20 years away, I did NOT expect the pulverizing of what I thought was a firm foundation that followed. I was dying to the delightful ministry I knew and walking into the light of a new life. I had to crawl through a long dark tunnel to get here. It sure takes a lot for we people to shift into God’s “good pleasing, and perfect will,” doesn’t it?

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