*A note on this piece. I wrote it the morning after many of the shutdowns of Covid-19 first went into effect. Fear and concern were everywhere. I went out onto to porch that morning, after a fresh snow, and the landscape above is what I saw. It felt like a sign that grace was still present, in spite of it all. The following words came quickly that morning.
Amid the noise
And the clamor
Amid the concern
And even the fear,
Glory keeps rushing in.
The old star leaps
Up over the horizon
With the vigor
Of eternal youth
Warming our bones
And revealing the
Artistry of eventide;
A one-of-a-kind
Winter beauty that
Crept upon us unawares, under the
Cloak of enveloping darkness.
Grace is like that,
Ya know?
Stealing in upon us
When we’re least aware
Fashioning miracles
Spinning new glories
Till the day breaks
And the shadows flee
And we realize
That we were