Ok friends, here’s a sweet opportunity for you.

In two weeks, me and a few friends are heading out to friggin Eugene Peterson’s house (if you don’t know who Eugene Peterson is, he’s the guy that wrote The Message Bible and like a bazillion other amazing books including the popular Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places) in Montana to sit down with him for a day and talk about why the work of our hands matters.  I know, right?!?!  We get to hang with a living legend!

We’ll be videotaping the conversations in order to put on an event in October (which will be open to the public) celebrating and wrestling with why and how our work fits within the plan of God.  The event’s centerpiece will be large segments of the conversation we had with Eugene, as well as some panel- and round-table discussion.

Our deep desire is that what we ask Eugene would be reflective of what people in our congregations are asking and wondering about the meaning and purpose of their work.  So rather than just assuming we know those questions are, we thought we’d ask you!

So here’s the so-called “sweet opportunity”: we’re inviting submissions of questions you’d like to hear Eugene answer on the topic of work, calling, vocation, etc.

The questions need not be “deep”; just honest (the more honest, the better).  The top three submissions will make it into our final interview script, and the submitters will get free registration to the event in October.

Awesome, eh?

So… if this is something you think about, fire away!  Go ahead and submit them in the comments section below.




  • Mike Loomis says:

    I read The Message almost every day. I often wonder…

    1) As you were translating/writing The Message, how often did you feel God’s presence/help? Did you feel “carried along” (‘For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit’ 2 Peter 1:20-21. or in The Message: ‘when the Holy Spirit prompted men and women to speak God’s Word.’

    2) Do you ever want to go back and change significant text in The Message?

    3) did you ever wonder – What the heck am I doing offering a ‘translation’ of God’s Word?!

  • Pete Newlove says:

    Considering the “work of our hands”: What do you think is the most pressing issue today for the American church, in regards to faith AND works? (“And” purposely emphasized to avoid the false “vs.” dichotomy.)

  • C says:

    Some ideas:

    1. Do you think we’ll have jobs in heaven? If so, will they be like our jobs here?
    2. My job is very demanding. How can I maintain a healthy spiritual life when I have hardly any time for prayer and scripture reading?
    3. How can I know God’s will for my career?
    4. I have good friends who keep switching from job to job, unable to find something that they think “fits.” If they ask me for advice, what should I tell them?

  • Johnny says:

    Is all of work significant?

  • Joel Busby says:

    Thanks for doing this. Eugene is a hero of mine and I’m very jealous that you will spend some time with him and issues of faith and vocation have really occupied my mind! So thanks.

    1. How have you seen Christians’ understanding of vocation or the connection between faith and “secular” work shift of change over the course of your life and ministry?

    2. To your mind, how does Christian eschatology shape a theology of work?

    3. What is the best way to foster healthy Christian thinking and living in regards to work and vocation among congregations? Is it through sermons, extra events or classes, personal pastoral conversations? In other words, how does a right theology of vocation became manifest in a congregation and what intentional steps can be taken?

  • jtbusby says:

    Thought of one more: How has the shift away from an Agrarian economy affected – for better or worse – the “normal” Christian’s theology of vocation?

  • andrewarndt says:

    Thanks all! We’re culling a few of the questions now… will let you know if yours made it!

  • Daniel Tucker says:

    On the off chance that you’ll accept a late submission:

    It seems that many in the young worker generation (25-35 ish) have unwittingly ushered in a general concept that to hear and respond to “God’s call” on your life, in vocational terms, is to “follow your passion” or “do what you love.”

    While this idea is extremely appealing and not altogether a bad thing, not everyone will ultimately experience this. How do you think this specific generation can strive for careers filled with passion and joy through the work of their hands while not being disillusioned when careers don’t land exactly where we thought they might?

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